PROGRAM 2015-2016 Candidates are required to submit the prerequisite application form (downloadable from ACADEMICS) along with certified (attested) true copies the following documents: Statement of marks obtained at the HSSC or equivalent examination Statement of marks obtained at the B. Arch. or equivalent examination College Transference Certificate If from the Reserved Category, documents as prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra In addition the candidate must include the following: Three copies of the research proposal A portfolio (A3) of professional and academic work Recommendation Letters from two persons (academic or professional), whom the candidate is known to, assessing the candidate’s capabilities to conduct research and design. These letters should be submitted in sealed and stamped envelopes A processing fee of Rupees Two Hundred (Rs. 200/-) shall be paid along with the submission of the above. Last date for submission of form is 30th June 2015. Principal Mumbai, June, 2015 |